Hasil Pencarian (1)
Apa alasan saya di diskualifikasi?
Kontes dan kampanye InstaForex
Untuk mencari tahu alasan diskualifikasi Anda perlu mengirim email ke [mailto:tournament@instaforex.com tournament@instaforex.com] dengan menyertakan nomor akun kontes dan periode kontes yang diikuti....
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (7)
Real scalping InstaForex
1. Clients over 18 years old have a right to participate in the contest.2. The participants open a separate DEMO account to take part in each monthly contest.3. TThe participants should provide authentic data upon registration, including th...
Great Race InstaForex
1. Owners of InstaForex accounts can take part in all steps of the contest.2. Each participant should be registered on the InstaForex website.3. The participants should provide authentic data upon registration, including the full name as it...
InstaForex Sniper
1. Clients over 18 years old have a right to participate in the contest2. The contestant opens a separate DEMO account to participate in each weekly contest.3. The contestants should provide authentic data upon registration, including the f...
Lucky Trader
1. Clients over 18 years old have a right to participate in the contest2. Each contestant should be registered on the InstaForex website.3. The contestant opens a separate DEMO account to participate in each two-week contest.4. The contesta...
Common questions on all contests
To find out the reason for your disqualification, you should send an email request to tournament@instaforex.com specifying the number of your competitive account and the contest period you took part in....
InstaForex FX-1 Rally
1. Owners of InstaForex trading accounts can take part in the weekly contest.2. Clients over 18 years old have a right to participate in the contest3. Each contestant should be registered on the InstaForex website.4. The contestant opens a...
Lucky Trader
The rating is updated every 5 minutes. The balance is updated every minute. This is related to the fact that the information in the account does not have time to synchronize with the database in time. Therefore, if a participant closes a de...