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Zoekresultaten (1)
Soorten centrekeningen
InstaForex biedt klanten de mogelijkheid om op de Forex-markt te handelen met drie soorten accounts tegelijk: Micro Forex, Mini Forex en Standaard Forex. Om een dergelijke technologie mogelijk te maken, werd een niet-standaard lot van 10.00...
Zoekresultaten voor Engels zoeken (4)
Trading conditions
InstaForex offers clients an opportunity to trade on the Forex market using three types of accounts at once: Micro Forex, Mini Forex, Standard Forex. In order to make such a technology possible a nonstandard 10,000 lot was established, whic...
Trading conditions
International online broker InstaForex offers its clients the opportunity to trade on the Forex market using accounts, the currency of which is expressed in the US Cents.Cent.Standard and Cent.Eurica account types are meant for beginning tr...
Trading conditions
At the moment trading system of InstaForex includes 11 trading serves, 9 are for live accounts and 2 for demo accounts. Servers in the USA:InstaForex-USA.com (choose in the list of servers, or type in InstaTrader settings - InstaForex-USA.c...
Welcome bonus 100%
The campaign applies to Standard USD, US Cent or Standard EUR, EUR Cent accounts opened from May 15, 2014, and excludes MT5 accounts and has no expiry date.