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Rezultati pretrage (2)
InstaForex ECN trgovanje
Trgovački uslovi
InstaForex je ECN broker koji pruža kvalitetne usluge trgovanja na Forex tržištu. Saradnja sa vodećim tržišnim kreatorima i brokerima u kombinaciji sa velikom bazom klijenata pruža InstaForexu visoku likvidnost i mogućnost da...
Врсте центара
Trgovački uslovi
InstaForex pruža klijentima priliku da trguju na Forex tržištu koristeći tri vrste računa istovremeno: Micro Forex, Mini Forex i Standard Forex. Kako bi se omogućila ovakva tehnologija, uveden je nestandardni lot od 10.000, koji pri...
Rezultati pretrage za pretragu na engleskom (12)
Trading conditions
InstaForex is an ECN broker providing qualitative trading services on the Forex market. Cooperation with major market makers and brokers complete with large customer base provide InstaForex with high liquidity and opportunity to make fast o...
InstaForex provides an opportunity to trade on Forex using three types of accounts in one: Micro Forex, Mini Forex, and Standard Forex. In order to make it possible, the company came up with a non-standard 10000 lot, which at the trade of 0...
Welcome Bonus 30%
The 30% Bonus can be withdrawn only after BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades must equal X*3 InstaForex lots, where 'X is the sum of received bonuses (the total amount of all bonuses including cancelled or partl...
Welcome Bonus 30%
In case the bonus amount exceeds $2,000 and over 10% of trades are of less than 0.01 market lot (0.1 InstaForex lot, i.e. 1 pip approximately equals $0.10), the bonus can be reduced to $1,000. In case the bonus amount exceeds $10,000 and ov...
Trading conditions
InstaForex offers clients an opportunity to trade on the Forex market using three types of accounts at once: Micro Forex, Mini Forex, Standard Forex. In order to make such a technology possible a nonstandard 10,000 lot was established, whic...
Forex education
As we have already mentioned, an individual trader gets access to Forex by means of a broker or a dealing company. Traders earn money via currency speculations. In other words, they close positions at a higher price compared to the price of...
The Floating Welcome Bonus 55%
The 55% bonus can be withdrawn only after BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades shall be equal to X*6 InstaForex lots, where X – the total volume of received bonuses (the total volume of all bonuses including canc...
The Floating Welcome Bonus 55%
In case the bonus amount exceeds $2,000 and over 10% of trades are of less than 0.01 market lot (0.1 InstaForex lot, i.e. 1 pip is approximately equal to $0.10), the bonus can be reduced to $1,000. In case the bonus amount is over $10,000 a...
Bonus Club
The Club Bonus can be withdrawn only after BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades must be equal to X*3 InstaForex lots, where X=the total volume of received bonuses. For the accounts opened in the RUR currency, the...
InstaForex Coupon bonus
The Coupon Bonus can be withdrawn only after BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades must be equal to X*5 InstaForex lots, where X=the total volume of received bonuses. If there are Coupon bonus and either 30% or 55...